Wednesday 28 April 2010

Wednesday 20 January 2010

First draft of music magazine

This was the first draft for my music magazine front cover and double page spread.

Sunday 17 January 2010

Photo Shoot Pictures

Here is around half of the pictures that I took for the magazine.

My Background of the photo shoot

Font cover, contents and double page spread

Front cover contents and double page spread of my AS media coursework.

Monday 14 December 2009

Names for the magazine

Crescendo: This was my first idea for a name for my music magazine. I came up with this as I was a GCSE music student I looked through my old notes and saw the word ‘Crescendo’. This word means gradually getting louder and it put a lot of ideas into my head. I had an idea that I could make the masthead gradually get bigger from a smaller font size into a bigger font size. I also through of a good strap line in the shape of “your music, but louder”. I think this would good and attractive.

Music world: This was another idea I had for my magazine name as I was planning on doing a magazine which coverd all types of music from around the world. I throught this name would be good as it is clear and easy to understand what is in the magazine. However after doing further planning I realised that it would be very hard to set up a magazine that does all diffrent types of music so i stuck with one. That is why I didnt choose this name.

Rock weekly: This was my third idea for my magazines name. I thought this would be a good idea because it shows how often it comes out and what the music genera is. However i decide not to use this one as it is very boring and I think that it would not make the reader want to pick it up in the shop and buy it. Where was if you have a mire exciting name then it is more likely to sell.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

My reader profile

My reader profile

My magazine is read by mainly males aged 16-20 but there are a few females that read it. People who read my magazine enjoy watching Scuzz TV and KERRANG! TV. The average reader will go to at least two gigs a month if they have the money as the average amount of money they receive is £87. They will also enjoy to listen to Planet rock radio station but as they all own mp3 players, they would much rather listen to that. Nearly 100% of people who read my magazine, like to go out on the weekends and enjoy hanging with their friends. The main source of my reader’s income is from their parents but 45% of them have part time jobs. £25, on average, of their income is spent on shoes per month, £30 pounds on cloths per month and £25 on music, games, DVD’s and films. Nearly every reader has the internet and the average time spent on it a week is over 10 hours. Over 60% of readers enjoy playing computer games and the average amount of people living in their house is 4. 75% of people download their music from the computer and the others prefer to buy it. My average reader will enjoy listening to Planet rock but will also like to listen to BBC 4. They will laugh at obvious humour of Family Guy but also understand the wittiness of Qi.