Monday 14 December 2009

Names for the magazine

Crescendo: This was my first idea for a name for my music magazine. I came up with this as I was a GCSE music student I looked through my old notes and saw the word ‘Crescendo’. This word means gradually getting louder and it put a lot of ideas into my head. I had an idea that I could make the masthead gradually get bigger from a smaller font size into a bigger font size. I also through of a good strap line in the shape of “your music, but louder”. I think this would good and attractive.

Music world: This was another idea I had for my magazine name as I was planning on doing a magazine which coverd all types of music from around the world. I throught this name would be good as it is clear and easy to understand what is in the magazine. However after doing further planning I realised that it would be very hard to set up a magazine that does all diffrent types of music so i stuck with one. That is why I didnt choose this name.

Rock weekly: This was my third idea for my magazines name. I thought this would be a good idea because it shows how often it comes out and what the music genera is. However i decide not to use this one as it is very boring and I think that it would not make the reader want to pick it up in the shop and buy it. Where was if you have a mire exciting name then it is more likely to sell.

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