Wednesday 21 October 2009

Magazine Names

To create our school magazine, I needed to come up with a name that was exciting to read and stands out. My target audience was to six formers so i didn't want a name that was to kiddy. I came up with three possible name that were: Break Time, High Times and Connect.

I through Break Time would be a good idea because every school has a "break time" and in your break time, you could read "Break Time". Also it is quite simple and easy to remember. The reason why i didn't choose this name is because I thought that it was to formal and i wanted to relate more with the people in my six form.

Another name I was thinking about is High Times. this name would be good because in six form you need to aim "high" and you will be at the "highest time" in your education. Also the word "high" is related to drugs and if you read this magazine then you could get a natural "high". I decided not to go with this name either because i felt like it was to formal and once again, didn't relate to six formers enough.

The last name i thought of was "Connect". The reason why this would be a good name for a magazine is because it was short, catchy and easy to remember. I also has thought of a good strap line for it as well. this was "Connecting, with you". this would make people more involved in the magazine making them more likely to read it.

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