1. What gender are you?
Male___ Female____
2. do you think a six form magazine is a good idea?
Yes______ No_____
3. What would you like to see in the magazine?
4. What magazines do you normally read?
5. Would you want it to come out...
Weekly_____ Fortnightly____ Monthly_____Every Half term____ Term_____
6. What regular features would you want to see?
7. Would you pay for it?
Yes____ No____
8. Should it include competitions?
Yes___ No____ Maybe____
9. Should it include house events?
Yes_____ No____ Maybe___
10. Should it include a quiz page?
Yes____ No____ Maybe
I asked twenty people and i asked 11 boys and 9 girls as i wanted to make my sample size as non-bias as possible. Out of the 20 people I asked 86% said that they would like a six form magazine. When I asked what would you like see in the magazine the post popular answers was interviews with teachers and gossip. As I was creating a school magazine I thought that gossip wasn't approperat for a school magazine but thought that including interviews would be a good idea. I felt that gossip was to lower class when i was trying to aim my magazine at a higher class. When I asked if they wanted it to be weekly, fortnightly, monthly, every half term or every term most people said that they would want it to be every month and I also thought that this was the best way to do it. This way would also be the most cost effective as it would only have to be produced once a month.
Regular features that people wanted and kept coming up were, horoscopes and cringe stories. Once again I didn't think either of these topics were suitable for a school magazine and decided to leave them out. When I asked if people would pay for it, 100% said that they wouldn't so to make it more popular I made it free. When I asked if house events should be in there, no one said no but half the votes were yes and half were maybe. This meant that I decided to put in house events because I feel that they would be a popular feature.
You were told to survey a minimum of 20 people. Complete your research fully or you will not have a big or broad enough sample. I'm a touch concerned at how quickly you discounted things that people asked for. Fully explain why they were not appropriate.